Sunday, July 18, 2010

My First Gaming Table

Finally! I've finished the table except a few minor touch-ups. Enjoy!

The Bishop is Coming!

I used 2" thick pink foam insulation for the main three pieces of board which measure 2' x 4'. I used a mixture of small basing rocks and lots of Elmer's glue for the texture. Used one thick coat of chocolate strawberry colored for the base color and flocked with standard issue model grass, which I highlighted with some enchanted forest green.

I decided against painting the sides black to save on costs. All the materials cost somewhere around $100. For the riverbed I followed the instructions from the White Dwarf article I mentioned in my WIP post.
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gaming Table Update

Almost finished with my table!

The article from White Dwarf that inspired this gaming board.

Before painting

Mostly done painting

Going to pickup resin tonight for water and also going to put highlights on grass. After everything is dried I will hit it a few times with some layers of spray-on adhesive for the final protective coats. Should be ready for gaming in two days.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Interchangeable Gaming Boards


Currently in the process of making a gaming table made of three interchangeable 2' x 4' boards. I've always wanted a personal gaming table at my home. I'm tired of playing on my dinner table with books and random proxy items for terrain.

The first board has a small hill at one end with a creek coming out of it that goes all the way to the other side of the board. I plan on using a transparent resin to give the creek some water, which should be fun.

The second board has hill in the middle and the last board is just a few small hills. I will take some progress pictures soon and post them before I start painting. Right now the last layer of glue is drying on the different grades of basing sand along with the glue for the pebbles in the creek bed.

This is an idea that I've had for some time now and finally I have the time and space available to make this project work. Now to sit back and relax while I wait for the next step.