Thursday, August 19, 2010

Been Busy

Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I've been working on a few projects, but mostly I've been trying to get my real life in order. Recently got engaged and plan to be married within the next few days. I'm working on a few different projects right now.

At the moment I'm working on my Aurloks for Alkemy, which I plan to finish before the end of next month. I'm also starting to pull together my Orcs and Goblins army for Warhammer because with the release of the new rulebook. I also finished the goblin that I posted a WIP of before. Here are two quick photos.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My First Gaming Table

Finally! I've finished the table except a few minor touch-ups. Enjoy!

The Bishop is Coming!

I used 2" thick pink foam insulation for the main three pieces of board which measure 2' x 4'. I used a mixture of small basing rocks and lots of Elmer's glue for the texture. Used one thick coat of chocolate strawberry colored for the base color and flocked with standard issue model grass, which I highlighted with some enchanted forest green.

I decided against painting the sides black to save on costs. All the materials cost somewhere around $100. For the riverbed I followed the instructions from the White Dwarf article I mentioned in my WIP post.
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gaming Table Update

Almost finished with my table!

The article from White Dwarf that inspired this gaming board.

Before painting

Mostly done painting

Going to pickup resin tonight for water and also going to put highlights on grass. After everything is dried I will hit it a few times with some layers of spray-on adhesive for the final protective coats. Should be ready for gaming in two days.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Interchangeable Gaming Boards


Currently in the process of making a gaming table made of three interchangeable 2' x 4' boards. I've always wanted a personal gaming table at my home. I'm tired of playing on my dinner table with books and random proxy items for terrain.

The first board has a small hill at one end with a creek coming out of it that goes all the way to the other side of the board. I plan on using a transparent resin to give the creek some water, which should be fun.

The second board has hill in the middle and the last board is just a few small hills. I will take some progress pictures soon and post them before I start painting. Right now the last layer of glue is drying on the different grades of basing sand along with the glue for the pebbles in the creek bed.

This is an idea that I've had for some time now and finally I have the time and space available to make this project work. Now to sit back and relax while I wait for the next step.
Friday, June 25, 2010

Les Enfants de L'Autumne

Placed an order for Les Enfants de L'Autumne from Tor Gaming. Decided that I should get it while it was still available.
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dragon Painting Competition WIP

Been working on a few items right now. The main attraction is a piece that has to be finished by the end of next month (July). The theme for the competition is to paint a magician of some sort.

I dug around my Orcs and Goblins army that I haven't painted yet and found an old Night Goblin shaman. After some sketches I decided I would make a small display for the miniature. RiRiWillow mentioned that I should somehow make it so I could use the piece for gaming too. So I made a stone that the goblin stands on that also can be removed and placed onto another base.

A Tiny Taste

The stones and base were made out of Sculpey. After I cooked the clay I whittled it down like a piece of wood, trying to get some neat edges and create a little story for the stones. I based the miniature with a mixture of two types of grain, which will mostly be covered by thick grass. I'll go into more details when the piece is finished. I intend to prime the whole ordeal quite soon.
Monday, June 14, 2010

Site Design!

My wonderful girlfriend RiRiWillow designed a whole new layout for my site. The wood grain background is cozy, isn't it? She did the banner/header image also. The color scheme fits my personality. Great choices all around. Don't you think?

I'm currently in the midst of working on a few projects that I plan to post on the Dragon Painting Forum. I decided to sideline the Nurbald project. At least he is primed and ready to go under the brush. Here's a short list of items I'm working on right now.

Black Troll repair - sculpting a new head, mine came without one
Dragon Painting Monthly Competition - scenic goblin shaman, super psyched!
Colony of Ephorath - struggling to finish these guys...
Behemoth Orcs - going to be a long time til I start on this probably
Game Design - the beginning of something amazing, perhaps?

That's what I have lined up as of right now for sometime in the future. Might see them finished within the next week or you may not hear about it again for a few months. I'll be posting something more concrete tomorrow, I hope.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Project

I know it's been slow starting, but I have my first project started. I'm working on a miniature, Nurbald the Sculptor, from Rackham's RPG: Cadwallon. It's a wonderful sculpt and hopefully I'll be able to share him. I was going to take some pictures of the pre-painting and a little of my miniature preparation process, but I didn't have my camera handy. Oh well, I'll find another time to share it.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Early Maintenance

I have been busy doing setup stuff for this blog and for my crafts. Haven't had much to post yet. I am in the process of setting up a semi-permanent soft life box and photography area in my unfinished room. Hopefully I will have a post up about it tomorrow!

Edit: Still fiddling with the site design. Bah!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Soft Light Box

Above is the product of my new soft light box that I built today. I still haven't figured out a good permanent place for it yet and I still need to fix my lighting. However I did get to play around with my girlfriend's new Canon EOS Rebel XSi. It was a lot of fun.

I used the plans from Darren's Rowse's blog to make my soft light box on the cheap. I knew that it was going to be an integral part of my miniature photography so I figured it would be a first starting step. It was super easy and made me feel like I accomplished a small task that wasn't related to my crappy day-to-day job.

Plus I got to drink a good beer during the whole process!

On Its Way

Just ordered a copy of Rag'Narok by Rackham! The package actually includes two large books, one with rules for playing Rag'Narok and another full of army information, or fluff as I usually call it. I'm super excited!

I am a huge fan of Rackham's metal miniature lineup that is now OOP (Out of Print). They decided to change their companies direction and now they only sell prepainted models at a much lower quality. I understand that their decision was an extremely intelligent business decision, but it kills me. Their lineup was getting massive and each new model was always more impressive than the last.


I'm trying to set some realistic expectations for this blog. Most of the time I have no direction whenever I start something new, therefore it just dies. This is some of the stuff I'm possibly going to submit here.

Monthly miniature painting - specifically a goblin each month
Excerpts from writings, possibly just a quick link off the main blog to keep it clean
Progress of ongoing army building projects
Random musings, I'll try to keep these at a minimum and short
House upgrades and creative decorations
Small peaks into my daily life outside of the things this blog typically involves
Use as much original photography and art as humanly possible
Joint artistic ventures with RiRiWillow
Sell some of my art through popular websites such as deviantART, Etsy, etc
And much, much more! (I couldn't help myself.)

I will try to avoid posting anything here that anybody could possibly make money by stealing. As a side note to myself I need to look into laws about online, national and international copyright.

Currently I'm working on my first Munny and a Mid-Nor Confrontation/Rag'narok army. I'm also planning on building a small photography light box for miniatures and small crafting art pieces that I will make in the future. I've also thought about dabbling in some artistic photography again.

With that I'm off to work on the blog design and hopefully hop into my bed soon.

Listening to Chevelle - Mia
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Family

We now refer to it as "The Family." Why didn't we go to mainland Japan with the family? I'm going to go there in the near future I think.
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jelly Beans

Sitting here eating jellybeans and trying to remember how to use this thing. I plan on posting some of my creative work here soon. Thanks for visiting!